The Dos And Don’ts Of Exercising If You Think You Have A Herniated Disc In Grand Rapids MI

The Dos & Don'ts OF Exercising If You Think You Have A Herniated Disc Grand Rapids MI

Exercise is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, but there are certain exercises that you should avoid if you think you might have a herniated disc. Here's a breakdown from our Grand Rapids MI chiropractor of what you should and should not do.

Exercises to Avoid In Grand Rapids MI

  1. Twisting & Lifting: Any exercise that involves twisting and lifting simultaneously can put a tremendous amount of strain on your lower lumbar discs. Russian twists are a prime example of this type of movement and should be avoided.
  2. Olympic Lifts: Olympic lifts, such as heavy squats, can put a ton of strain on your lower back, especially when you squeeze and bear down during the lift. These exercises can worsen your condition if you're suffering from a herniated disc.
  3. Deadlifts: Deadlifts are another exercise that can put a significant amount of strain on your back. It's best to avoid these if you have a herniated disc.
  4. High-Impact Exercises: High-impact exercises, such as box jumps and ladder drills, involve a lot of up and down movements and changing of direction, which can be harmful to your back.
  5. Returning To Intense Activities Too Soon: A common mistake is for individuals to return to their regular activities too soon as they start to feel better. This can lead to a major setback in their recovery.

What You Can Do Instead:

  • Swimming Or Water Aerobics: These exercises are gentle on the joints and spine, providing a total body workout while minimizing stress on your back. Walking is another wonderful low-impact exercise that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. It helps to strengthen your lower body and improve cardiovascular health without putting excessive strain on your back.
  • Yoga & Pilates: They emphasize body awareness, flexibility, and strength, and they often include modifications for individuals with different physical conditions. However, it is crucial to ensure the instructor is aware of your condition so they can provide appropriate modifications.
  • Physical Therapy: A physical therapist can develop a personalized exercise plan designed specifically for your needs. This plan may involve a combination of stretches, strengthening exercises, and low-impact cardiovascular activities.

The key is to stick to lighter, lower-impact exercises, if possible. These are not only safer for individuals with conditions like a herniated disc, but they can also help to build strength and flexibility gradually, which can aid in reducing pain and discomfort. Living with a herniated disc doesn't mean you have to live without exercise. It just means you must be more thoughtful about the exercises you choose. The right exercises can help you manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life, while the wrong ones can exacerbate your condition.

If you live in Grand Rapids and need assistance managing your herniated disc, rest assured that there are skilled professionals ready to help. It's always a wise decision to consult a professional before embarking on any new exercise regimen, especially if you have a pre-existing condition like a herniated disc. Stay informed, listen to your body, and consult with a professional to ensure that your exercise regimen is helping, not hurting your recovery.

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The Chiropractic Doctors

5747 28th St SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

(616) 432-3103